Section 1 - Adapter's Notes for




AUGUST 9, 1992

LINKS - This memoir contains a lot of underlined words, easily mistaken for links. If you move the mouse cursor over the word (or phrase), if it's a link, the pointer will change from an arrow-head or an "I-beam" to an index finger. Also, ordinary underlining is in black; but link underlining is in blue.

FOOTNOTE #s -- In this webpage I have turned the footnote numbers into links. The footnote #s are underlined, and in blue and enclosed in square brackets, and will look like the following -- gafflecarb. Click on the number and it will take you to the footnote. Click on the "back link" character [↵] at the end of the endnote to return to where you were. No scrolling needed. Try it.

This memoir was given to us by Mary' HUGHEY Prescott's nephew, Roger Rhodes Hughey, who came from Tacoma, WA to several of our reunions. Thank you Roger for sharing it with us. In turning the document into webpages, I have tried to preserve the original look and feel wherever practical, but have made changes to the format as needed, to have the pages be responsive to the size and shape of the device they are being read on. Many formatting options are available on web pages that are not available in a typewritten manuscript --occasionally I have utilized the web capabilities if it makes the content clearer to the reader. And, of course, added links and endnotes for those readers not familiar with those people, places and times.
The original document was 31 typewritten pages long. I saw no reason to preserve the original pagination, so I have made a single, Table of Contents webpage, for the memoir as a whole. The manuscript appeared to contain several typos, which I have taken the liberty of correcting.

So as not to interfere with the story's "flow" for those who don't want to be distracted by commentary on history, I placed my comments as footnotes (in this case, endnotes). BUT, for those who want to read the foot/endnotes when encountered, I have turned the foot/endnote numbers into links. If you click on an endnote number's link, it will take you directly to the note -- To return to where you were reading, click on the back link character [] at the end of the endnote. I've also added line drawings to illustrate the pages. -wbt