211 10th Street N.E.,
Washington, D.C
May 26, 1923.

Your letter came yesterday to mother and I am going to acknowledge it for her. We all think that your plan is a fine one and I am sure that all of the cousins will heartily approve. Mother was very much delighted and said that she thought her girls would have to help her out. I know that were father living he would have been very much interested in such a project.

Some time ago when I was visiting Aunt Laura she expressed a desire to have the "Family Tree" written up and I told her I would see what I could do about getting some of the information together for it. She gave me some dates that she had and I have gotten a little more together but still lack a good deal to complete it and I am wondering if in the letters that the Cousins write that information could not be incorporated. Aunt Laura was not able to go on with the work as her health is very poor.

I have the dates of birth and death of great-grandfather and grandmother Campbell, also the date of birth and death of the twelve children. I have a great many of the names and heirs but do not have them all, neither do I have the dates. What I want is the name of each heir, the date of birth, date of death, if dead, name of person to whom married and date, and so on down for all the generations. What do you think of such a plan? Then with the information that would be received at various times in the letters, dates of marriages, deaths and births could be filled in. If you have time, I would like to have your opinion and if you think that it would be a good one, I will be willing to do what I can to help out on the work of getting it all together.

With kind regards to your family and hoping that we will see you in Washington before long, I am

Very sincerely,


- Report No. 1 - Page 8 -

(Eleanor Campbell Family)

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