Foto of Nellie Kimball Family

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Photo of

(From Left to Right)

Nellie Horton Kimball
Z. Clark Kimball     
Faith Jean Kimball   

Taken Summer 1923

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Independence, Oregon,
October 7, 1923.

Dear Cousins:-

     To the Cousins on the Pacific Coast I am sure your plan for an exchange of family letters is most welcome.

     The book reached us safely and Frank, Arthur and I have read the letters with much pleasure. Already we are looking forward to the next installment and the added pleasure of having pictures of all. We found on reading the letters that while we were fairly well informed, many changes had taken place that we were not aware of and to us the letters will mean so much in the way of keeping you closer to us.

     As I found that the most interesting letters to me were those containing news of the individual members of the different families, I will tell you of our immediate family. Clark and I, and our daughter Faith Jean, fifteen years old, comprise our family and we live in a very pretty town on the banks of the Willamette River, which was used for transportation before the general use of the railroads and flivvers.

     Portland is seventy miles north of us, with wonderfully paved roads in every direction.

- Report No. 2 - Page 39 -


     Faith was graduated from high school last June, as vale­dictorian of her class, and this fall entered the University of Oregon for a four year course. She is her daddy's own daughter and aspires to become a writer.

     We have unusually good schools in Oregon and many of them. Within a two hours' drive of Independence, and not including Portland or the University of Oregon, which is at Eugene, sixty miles‑from here, we have four denominational schools,‑ Method­ist, Baptist, Presbyterian and Christian,‑ all prosperous and growing; two Catholic schools; the only Normal in the state is two miles from us, and the splendid Oregon Agricultural College with 4,000 students enrolled is twenty miles from here, while in Portland there are several private schools and colleges.

     We have owned and published the Independence Enterprise for the past four years and enjoy our work and the friends we have made here. I made a desperate attempt to turn Clark into a fruit farmer four years ago but found it hopeless,‑ once a newspaper man, always a newspaper man, so no doubt we will continue here for some time.

     Arthur and family live only a few blocks from us and we all enjoy being together. He has a nice family and is a prosperous hardware merchant. Aside from his own affairs he fills a prominent place in our little city, being at present, Presi­dent of the Retail Merchants' Association, City Engineer and School Director.

     Frank and wife are visiting us just now, having driven down from their home in Portland. He tells me he has already written his Cousins' letter.

     Faith and I visited Harry and family in Baker, Ore. during the summer. He is a busy man and interested in all of the city projects for the advancement of Baker, where he has practised his profession of dentistry for seventeen years.

     Will close now with kindest regards to the Cousins and keen anticipation of the pleasure in store for us on receipt of your letters and pictures.

Your Cousin,

                                            COUSIN NELLIE HORTON KIMBALL

- Report No. 2 - Page 40 -

(William Campbell Family)

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