Osceola, Pa.,

March 17, 1924

Dear Cousins:

So much has happened since I received your letters last fall that I hardly know what to write.

We are having severe March weather after so mild a winter.

I am quite well again and am staying in my own home.

We have a fine Presbyterian minister here now and I get out to church every Sunday.

I wish all of my Cousins could come and see me.

I have twenty maple trees on my lot. My grandboy1 and I are going to make sugar and if you were all here, I surely would treat you.

I think we ought to congratulate Will, also ourselves, for our willing helpers who are going to continue our Correspondence Club. I enjoy the letters very much. Four of the first cousins live in Osceola. In Nelson, the old home town, very few of the cousins are left.

Our next Campbell Re-union and Cousins Dinner are coming before our next Letters and I hope to be able to attend both gatherings this year and meet as many of you as can possibly attend.

With love to all,


1. Probably Hugh Van Dusen - wbt

- Volume #2 - Page #1 -
(Jane Campbell Family)

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