Baker, Oregon,

March 25, 1924

Dear Uncles, Aunts and Cousins:

To a fellow who has been away from home for thirty years, the opportunity to drift back in the fold is one that cannot be overlooked, and I was indeed glad to have Nellie notify me of the wonderful way of keeping in touch with those we really love although we know little of their daily life. Of course, Mother, God bless her, is a wonderful correspondent and keeps us posted of the Cousins whom I often wonder about, and I shall look forward to the receipt of this book with a great deal of pleasure.

I have been located in this little city of Eastern Oregon for eighteen years, and have never regretted picking it as a permanent home, even though it is rather small and a distance from the metropolis of our state. Beautiful snow-capped mountains, lakes, rivers and streams abounding in wild life, appeal perhaps more to a Horton than a Campbell. Wonderful friendly people who are really our same down easterners who were the pioneers of this Northwest. All these help to make ones daily life livable; but it is in the home where I believe I secure the love and appreciation, the contentedness, which makes one know that this little world is a pretty good place after all.

Helen and I are the same sweethearts of college days back in Michigan, with the added bond of three fine children to keep us closer together. Jean Campbell, sixteen; Virginia Irene, eleven; then came along John Samuel, three, to make us sit up and look at our hole card. Jean is the mother of the flock, Virginia is the society belle, and John is just a chip off the old block and I believe will make a pretty good fisherman as he is already my worm digger and has made good at it.

Last year we bought a much larger home, only four blocks from my office, and we are now enjoying the pleasure of fixing it up as a real home. Lots of room to entertain any of the relatives (who never come) who should motor through over the old "Oregon Trail" and see the Switzerland of America.

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(William Campbell Family)


Last year, I believe, Frank, Nellie, Arthur and I were together more than any year since we came West. Jean and I attended the State Convention of the Spanish-American War veterans1 in the western part of the state and brought Nell and Faith2 back with us for a two week visit. The trip is wonderful over the Columbia River Highway, and with a big basket of fried chicken, etc., which Nellie certainly knows how to prepare, we were like a bunch of children out for a holiday. Four hundred miles over wonderful scenic highways with stops, when the spirit moved, to drink in the wonders of nature. Then last fall, Frank and Arthur breezed along in the old Studabaker hitting on one cylinder and spent the week with us. We had just moved and Helen immediately got Frank busy with the paint brush and Arthur with the monkey-wrench so they were pretty well ready to start for home at the first opportunity. Of course both of them are getting short of teeth3, and the hair just "Ain't" where it ought to be, -- still they are the same boys and we were sure glad to see them.

Our summers are spent mostly at home and in the mountains, and last year we built a very nice cottage at one of our numerous lakes one hundred and twenty-five miles from Baker, and are looking forward to many happy days there during the warm days of summer. We drive the distance in about five hours and fish, loaf and hunt to our hearts content. Helen and the children like their pleasures the same as I do, which adds much enjoyment to each trip.

I just finished up a very successful year as President of the Eastern Oregon District Dental Society comprising ten counties of this section of the state, and we entertained about fifty of our professional brethren with a two days' session here the latter part of February. So you see, I do mix a little business with pleasure. I really enjoy my profession, and while I work real hard it is interesting and also satisfies the better part of one's nature in helping the other fellow.

1. Harry was a veteran of the Spanish-American War.

2. Faith is the oldest living Campbell Cousin I'm aware of. And the only living author of a CCC letter now that Iva DEATS Sayre is no longer with us.

3. Harry was a dentist.

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(William Campbell Family)


We are all members of the Episcopal Church, the children taking an active part, and father going when it doesn't interfere with his Sunday morning golf. I take more interest in my Masonic work than anything else and am at it most of the time. Was recently elected to a chair in the Scottish Rite bodies and as we hold two reunions a year and put on the work up to the thirty-second degree it means quite a lot of study and many evenings away from home.

I didn't start out to write a biography, but it seemed you could see us and know us better if you heard just what we were doing with out time, and the things we are most interested in. Of course the better way would be to come and see us, and I assure you we would make it a royal good time.

Very sincerely,


- Volume #2 - Page #20 -
(William Campbell Family)

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