"Rose Lawn Farm",

Nelson, Penn.,

April 7, 1924

9 A.M.

Dear Cousins:

Thought best to start this week right by writing you on Monday morning.

How are you all this morning, I wonder? Well and happy I hope.

Looking at the "Correspondence Book" I notice that my last letter was dated October 5th, -- six months ago. Very little has happened since then in my home life to write about. I am sort of a "shut-in" in the winter time, especially. Hope to live where I can get out more before long1.

William2 has the same work as last year, also the farm work; we have a hired man at present.

Since my last letter, we have a new baby in the family. Elizabeth has another little son born March 4th, 1924. Joseph is seven years old so that David Roy Walker is quite a treat.

Jessie's children have measles just now, so that she is very much occupied.

Isabelle is still teaching in Elmira [NY], which accounts for my three girls3.

We received the Christmas greeting card from Cousin Will Campbell. "It's sweet to be remembered."

Cousin Mary Shipman always send a card on my mother's birthday, February 12th.

We want to welcome the new officers in our organization and wish you all a very loving "Good Morning."



1. I'm not sure what she meant by that. Women didn't drive in those days. Their farm was at the end of a private road, but her husband had a milk route and needed to get his truck out each day. The town wouldn't have plowed their road, but he had a scraper pulled by a team, so he could remove the snow in winter, and in the muddy spring, scrape the road to reduce the ruts. They also owned a small house in town (not far from the Presbyterian Church) which they purchased for her mother, Phebe CAMPBELL Hoyt, and still owned into the 1940s. (I stayed there some holidays and have fond memories of playing in its parlor.) Perhaps she was considering living in town the next winter. - wbt

2. My namesake in appreciation of he and Inez raising my mother after her father's death. - wbt

3. Inez' children died very young. She felt strong attachments to her 3 nieces. - wbt

- Volume #2 - Page #29 -
(Phoebe Campbell Family)

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