26 Sarona Avenue,

Rochester, N. Y.,

April 8, 1924

Dear Cousins:

Another pleasure! Our Correspondence Club, -- and looking forward to the many nice letters we shall soon be reading.

Concerning our own little family, we are all well and busy as usual. Two lively boys, -- a few social affairs, -- the regular spring cleaning up, the same as there is in every home, keeps us on the job.

 We will be looking for the folks1 from Florida by June or before. Expect them to make their summer headquarters with us, and we want those who can, to come here to see them just as you used to do in Knoxville. When you are in this vicinity at least call us up on the telephone2.

We are fully enjoying these spring days and hope they last a long time. 

Wishing that this may find you all enjoying the best of health, and some of you enjoying new maple sugar, we send our best regards.

Most sincerely,


1. Her parents, Tommie and Frank Parks Campbell.

2. At that time, long distance calls were very expensive and infrequent.

- Volume #2 - Page #31 -
(William Campbell Family)

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