Campbell Cousins Correspondence

37 Pollock Avenue,

Pittsfield, Mass.,

March 23, 1925.

Dear Cousins:

Cousin Roswell Young's letter just came, and I am going to sit right down and start my letter to the Cousins. I intended to do so when Will's letter came, but things have been crowding in so fast this winter that time has gone more rapidly than I realized.

We have had a very unusual winter. February, usually our worst month, was comparatively warm. Our worst storm came the last two days of February, and March "came in like a lion", continuing cold and raw ever since. According to the older residents Pittsfield has a climate all her own.

Last November Marcus had diphtheria and, of course, we were quarantined for about three weeks. He recovered, apparently in perfect condition, and it has sometimes seemed to us that he is stronger than ever.

Charles Jr. has been well all winter, and has skated and hiked and skied, and this spring he has joined the Y.M.C.A. where he gets gymnastics and swimming and all sorts of interesting things. Marcus will join him when he is old enough.

The past two weeks we have been having papering and painting and various things done, which has kept us in a state of terrible disorder. The workmen have gone now, and I can get things back on a properly running schedule at my leisure. I shall keep right on with my spring cleaning, so I shall be busy for some time to come.

These spring days begin to make us think about summer and what we shall do when the weather is warm and we can get out to enjoy it. Usually we plan on a trip to Pennsylvania, but this year I am trying to get my people to come here instead. They haven't said that they will come, but I am making my plans for them just the same, for I think they will come if they can. There are lots of lovely things to do here in warm weather, and I hope they decide to come.

Cousin Roswell says we are to be favored with letters from several more cousins whom Cousin Will has succeeded in locating. It lends quite an air of mystery to the new book - wondering who they are, and where he found them. And it has

Volume III - Page 3
(Mary Ann Campbell Family)

been so long since I have heard from any of the cousins that I am looking forward with a great deal of pleasure to receiving the book. It is like renewing old friendships.

With best regards to all the cousins, I am

Cordially yours,

Volume III - Page 4
(Mary Ann Campbell Family)

Utilizing Sandy Buck Garrett's 2012 transcription.
Copyright � 2013, 2020 William B. Thompson. Commercial use prohibited.