Campbell Cousins Correspondence

Osceola, Pa.,

March 26, 1925.

Dear Cousins:

Another year has passed and I have been reminded that the time for another exchange of letters is approaching - a pleasure to which we are all looking forward.

This is a wonderful day for this time of year. It seems good after such a severe winter. The dirt roads are in fine shape, and land will soon be dry enough to work if the good weather continues. In fact, some farmers have already been plowing.

The general cleaning up, repairing of fences and numerous other chores, keeps a farmer always on the job at this season of the year.

Rex is at home, helping me with the work, and we expect Dora home soon1 to spend her Easter vacation.

We attended the Campbell reunion2 at Nelson this last year, and, I am sorry to say, there were only about sixty members present. I can remember when there used to be twice that number. But as each year passes, it is bound to bring its joys and sorrows to all of us. Hope to see more of the cousins there this year, and renew our acquaintance.

These spring days begin to make us think about summer and what we shall do when the weather is warm and we can get out to enjoy it. Usually we plan on a trip to Pennsylvania, but this year I am trying to get my people to come here instead. They haven't said that they will come, but I am making my plans for them just the same, for I think they will come if they can. There are lots of lovely things to do here in warm weather, and I hope they decide to come.

I can say for my family that we are all well and looking forward to the letter, including those from the new members of the C.C.C.

Sincerely yours,


1. Dora was then a student at Mansfield Normal School, which in 1927 was renamed Mansfield State Teachers College. Since 1983 it's been Mansfield U.

2. Strange as it seems, CCC letters seldom mentioned the Campbell reunions. [The latter were held in the summer.] At their peak, in the early 1900s more than 300 sometimes attended.

Volume III - Page 14
(Mary Ann Campbell Family)

Utilizing Sandy Buck Garrett's 2012 transcription.
Copyright © 2013, 2021 William B. Thompson. Commercial use prohibited.