Nelson, Pa.,

March 30, 1925.

Dear Cousins of the Campbell Family:

Greetings to one and all.

Cousin Will says it is time to write our annual letter. I wonder if he does not get tired and, perhaps a little disgusted, that he has to keep us posted as to when to write each time. Well, he is pretty good natured if he doesn't and that is the way I remember him.

Will says "Write a bright, cheerful, newsy letter". Can you imagine any one being able to write a very newsy letter from the little town of Nelson? My life has been a very quiet, and to some, would seem a very dull life; but I think I have been too busy to realize it. When all is well in the store and house, I am very happy and contented.

I guess I was not intended to do big things. I have been very proud of my cousins, one and all. Some have seen much of the world, and from them I gain a knowledge of the world at large. Others have plodded on in much the same quiet way as myself, and from them I gain courage to go on and be contented. So each one plays his part in life, exerting an influence on all with whom he comes in contact.

Cousin Will has given us the pleasure of expecting to hear from some new members of the Cousin Clan. We are very glad, and extend a cordial welcome. We shall all be very sorry to miss Cousin Jennie Bosard's good letter, also Cousin Ross Van Dusen's.

Emily and family are well, and doing well, and come home once a year with two nice grandsons, and that is always a bright spot in our lives. Lena is always with us, and though not very strong, is getting to be our "right hand man" in our old age.

We shall look forward to the coming of the new Cousins Book with pleasure.

Cordially yours,


Volume III - Page 28
(Mary Ann Campbell Family)

Utilizing Sandy Buck Garrett's 2012 transcription.
Copyright © 2013 William B. Thompson. Commercial use prohibited.