
Osceola, Pa.,

April 4, 1925.

Dear Campbell Cousins:

As I was sweeping this morning I ran across the letter from Cousin Roswell Young. I had not known that I was to be included in this Cousins Club. I was very glad to receive one of the volumes of "cousins letters" which my brother, Ross Van Dusen, brought to me. Many thanks to Cousin William Selph, I have spent many happy moments reading the letters. It seems as if I were acquainted with all the cousins after reading the letters, although there are a great many of them whom I have never seen.

We live on a farm, and I have lots of work to do, so letter writing looks like a big task.

Well, I guess that I have said enough for this time. I promise to do better next time.



Volume III - Page 30
(Jane Campbell Family)

Utilizing Sandy Buck Garrett's 2012 transcription.
Copyright © 2013 William B. Thompson. Commercial use prohibited.