Knoxville, Pa.,

April 10, 1925.

Dear Cousins:

Greetings to everyone! It is with pleasure that I again make my little contribution to the Cousins Book. It is not much, and I am always at a loss to know what to say. However, here we are!

There have been some changes since the last exchange of letters, thought I think most of us are about as usual. I, myself, have been having a vacation--have not been working since February seventh. February eighteenth, the day after my birthday, I underwent an operation for goitre at the Arnot-Ogden Hospital in Elmira. Dr. Ross Loop, whom most of you know well, did the job. I am getting along just splendidly, and hope to be able to go back to work soon. You all know, I think, of Father's death. The rest of the family are all well.

Today the wind is blowing quite a gale and occasionally there are a few snowflakes. I have my garden plowed and hope to get some seeds in soon. A few of the neighbors have already beaten me to it.

Wishing you all a pleasant and prosperous year, I am,

Cordially yours,


Volume III - Page 82
(Eleanor Campbell Family)

Utilizing Sandy Buck Garrett's 2013 transcription.
Copyright © 2013, 2014 William B. Thompson. Commercial use prohibited.