Psi Upsilon House,

1000 Hill Street,

Ann Arbor, Michigan,

April 4th, 1926.

Dear Campbell Cousins:-

It seems that Spring and the Cousins letter have heretofore been synonymous but not so this year in Ann Arbor. Our Spring vacation begins next week and if the snow and weather in general permits I will be at home in the family.

Mother spent a few days visiting me not long ago to remind me that I was twenty one, so we had quite a celebration It was her first visit here so I took much pride in showing her "my school".

This my second year at Michigan and if my plans work out I will have four years more. I would like very much to enter the Law School in another year and if I do I will have a long schooling cut out for myself.

Our family I know have been very well this past year and I sincerely hope all of the Cousins have been as fortunate.

Very sincerely,


Volume IV - Page 49
(William Campbell Family)

Copyright © 2013, 2015 William B. Thompson. Commercial use prohibited.