#1175 College Ave.,

Elmira, New York,

April 3rd, 1926.

Dear Cousins:-

As usual I have waited until the fourth reminder that our next contribution to the C.C.C. was about due, - before writing. I'm sorry to be so much trouble but believe that this year I have a fairly legitimate excuse for my procrastination. What with teaching school, keeping a school, keeping house and learning to drive a Flivver1 I seem to find my hands pretty well filled. Also I remember at the time I received one of the reminders I was nursing as my mother was sick in bed with Grippe for some time.

As some of you know I was married to Thomas L. Field on October 15th, 1925. We were married in Towanda, Pennsylvania, by a Presbyterian Minister, only Mother and Tom's parents and sister being present.

We took a lovely motor trip through the Pocono Mountains via the Delaware Water Gap to Atlantic City and back over the Lackawanna Trail. As Autumn was just at the height of it's [sic] glory the gorgeous coloring of the trees together with the many beautiful scenes through the mountains made me forget the rough roads and the fact that we had left Wilkes-Barre, with no breakfast, thinking it would be more romantic to eat our first breakfast together at some wayside Inn. As you who have been over this road know "there aint no such animal" until you are hours on your way. But what is a mere breakfast to a honeymooning couple. However, I must admit that that dinner at Pocono Pines, when we eventually arrived there, tasted like an ambrosial feast in reality it was a rather mediocre affair.

To my South Jersey Cousins I must say that you have wonderful roads but mighty poor scenery. I can imagine nothing much more monotonous than your level stretches of sand dotted with brush. Give me good old Pennsylvania Hills every time or New York State's ridges will do as a substitute. Of curse if one could carry with him that view of the ocean scene as you drive up Absecon Boulevard into Atlantic City, it would be very well but it takes a trained imagination to do that.

While Tom isn't quite in a class with a Scotchman he did the next best thing and laid claim to England and Wales for his ancestral habitat. He is a Credit Manager for the Drew Line Company2 here and is a member of the First Presbyterian Church of Elmira, where I often point out some of his Campbell Cousins to him. Cousin Phil Young

1. The Ford she mentions on the next page.

2. The Drew Line was a steamship company that hhad trans Atlantic and service from New York to California. It's founder, Daniel Drew, started out in the Hudson River steambout business, competng with Commodore Vanderbuilt. Drew pioneered many techniques for manipulating the stock market and joined with Jim Fisk and Jay Gould in fighting "The Erie War" against Vanderbuilt.

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(Phoebe Campbell Family)

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sat directly in front of us the Sunday before his death I believe. The news of his fatal accident greatly shocked everyone here.

My Aunt says I should tell you that not only have I acquired a new husband but also a nine year old son, Robert L. Field. Bobbie is still with his grand parents in Canton, Pa., with whom he has lived since he was three years old.

Last week we acquired a new Ford Coupe which went the way of all good Fords and got itself struck by an ambulance the first day. But now it's out of the hospital and rambles right along just as merrily as ever. I'm trying to  learn to drive it as our chief "excuse" for getting it was that I needed to drive to school. So far I have met with no serious trouble other than having the brake pedal maliciously change its position when I suddenly wished to find it in the dark.

We're driving to Binghamton to spend Easter with Jess' family and expect to bring mother back with us.3

As this is my Spring vacation I suppose our household will be introduced to the delights of housekeeping. I'm reading Andy Gump diligently to see how it should be done.

I want to send congratulations to Cousin Doris Selph's husband and wish her every happiness.

We would be very glad to have any of the Cousins visit with us whenever possible.

Truly yours,


3. Isabelle and her 2 sisters took turns providing a home for there mother. While she lived, she provided the lion's share; Betty had her the least.

Volume IV - Page 64
(Phoebe Campbell Family)

Copyright © 2013, 2016 William B. Thompson. Commercial use prohibited.