Baker, Oregon,

April 7th, 1926.

Dear Cousins:-

Another year has rolled around with little change in our home. The past winter has been an exceptional one for Baker, and it hardly seems possible that summer is nearly here with all of its joys before us. Being 3,500 feet up in the air we expect lots of zero weather and snow for five months at least, but this winter I have shoveled my 200 feet only once and the girls skates have rusted on the hook. There is lots of snow in the mountains so we are assured a goodly amount for irrigation which is quite necessary to insure good crops for the farmers.

We are enjoying a visit with father and mother and we are surely putting in full time for they inform us they will soon be on their way East and just at the time of year when we would like so much to keep them. Our fishing season opens on the 15th, which will find us up at our cottage on Wallowa Lake where father and I hope to hook into some of those big eight pound rainbows. Of course after his fishing experience in Florida this may be tame sport for him, but I am still willing to bet my money on the Oregon rainbow and steelhead as the King of all game fish.

We are having considerable excitement in Baker over the finding of huge copper deposits about ten miles from this city. Eastern capital is now taking over one of the largest properties, and we are in hopes it will mean considerable to the future of our city.

The State encampment of the Spanish-War Veterans are meeting with us in July, and as a member of the Executive Committee and Secy-Treas. of the affair my hands are about full. Helen's and my interest in the Spanish-War Veterans and the American Legion with their Auxiliaries keep us going, and with a reunion of Scottish Rite in April and October, believe fraternally we are doing our share.

Jean and Virginia are busy with their school work and music, and John is getting to to be some boy. He will be six this fall and starting school, and we of course will lose our baby for they certainly d begin to grow up as soon as they begin school.

I am so late with my letter that I am going to "Air Mail" it to New York. Our Air Mail service started last week so we feel we are on the map now. 

With much love to all,



Volume IV - Page 67
(William Campbell Family)

Copyright © 2013, 2016 William B. Thompson. Commercial use prohibited.