Burials List for Campbells, Luggs & Blackwells of Nelson, PA

In Countries Other Than The US, Country Unknown, or Buried at Sea
From Campbell-Lugg-Blackwell Family Tree

Legend: D=Descendant; S=Spouse; I=Father-In-law or Mother-In-Law; A=Key ancestor; LNU=Last Name Unknown; FNU=First Name Unknown

Copyright 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 by William B. Thompson, Commercial Use Prohibited

Overseas Burials

Burial Country Burial County Burial Place Burial Row or Lot Birth Surname Full Name Birth Year Our Campbells Luggs Blackwells Individual ID#
Australia Victoria, Avoca Avoca Cem.
Bennett Rupert Ebling Bennett 1894

Sp 15184
Australia Victoria, Avoca Avoca Cem.
Richardson Harriet Emma Richardson Simms 1851

I-L 15175
Australia Victoria, Avoca Avoca Cem.
Robinson Anne Elizabeth Robinson Bennett 1907

Desc 15196
Australia Victoria, Avoca Avoca Cem.
Robinson Isaac William Robinson 1875

Desc 2753
Australia Victoria, Avoca Avoca Cem.
Robinson William Isaac Robinson 1849

Desc 2749
Australia Victoria, Avoca Avoca Cem.
Simms Elizabeth Simms Robinson 1882

Sp 15173
Australia Victoria, Avoca Avoca Cem.
Simms William Simms 1829

I-L 15174
Australia Victoria, Avoca Avoca Cem.
Webster Jessie Elizabeth Webster Robinson 1850

Sp 2750
Australia Victoria, Kangaroo Flats

McClelland Jessie Britania McClelland Robinson 1918

Sp 15190

Canada ON, Waterloo Regional Municpality, Watrloo Parkview Cem.
Balcerzak Tadeusz Balcerzak 1918

England Bristol Westbury Churchyard
Westley Isabella Stickland Westley Gardner 1818

Sp 14775
England glos, Cheltenham Barnfield Vault, Cheltenham Cem.
Barnfield Archibald James Barnfield 1883

Desc 2769
England glos, Cheltenham Barnfield Vault, Cheltenham Cem.
Barnfield Benjamin Barnfield 1797

Desc 2629
England glos, Cheltenham Barnfield Vault, Cheltenham Cem.
Barnfield Benjamin Richard Barnfield 1851

Desc 2766
England glos, Cheltenham Barnfield Vault, Cheltenham Cem.
Barnfield Charles Frederick Barnfield 1876

Desc 2768
England glos, Cheltenham Barnfield Vault, Cheltenham Cem.
Barnfield Edward Foxwell Barnfield 1828

Desc 2764
England glos, Cheltenham Barnfield Vault, Cheltenham Cem.
Thornton Sarah Elizabeth Thornton Barnfield 1825

Sp 2765
England glos, Nailsworth Shortwood Cem.
Blackwell Sarah Elizabeth Blackwell Davis 1810ca

Desc 2683
England glos, Nailsworth Shortwood Chapel
Blackwell John Blackwell 1763

Desc 2618
England glos, Nailsworth Shortwood Chapel
Blackwell John Blackwell 1734ca

Desc 2434
England glos, Nailsworth Shortwood Cem.
Foxwell Maria Matilda Foxwell Blackwell 1784

Sp 15021
England glos, Shortwood

Barnfield Edward Barnfield 1748

Sp 2626
England glos, Shortwood

Barnfield Phebe Barnfield 1795

Desc 2633
England glos, Shortwood

Barnfield Sarah Barnfield Gardner 1792

Desc 2631
England glos, Shortwood

Foxwell Sarah Foxwell Barnfield 1794

Desc 2630
England Middlesex, Ealing S. Ealing Cem.

Essex Eva Essex Knill Newman 1864ca

England ???
Smithtown Rd. Cem.
Robinson Isaac William Robinson 1817ca

Sp 2744
England ???, St. Annes Rainhill

Barnfield Emma Barnfield Robinson 1824

Desc 2743
England ???, St. Annes Rainhill

Robinson Martha Phoebe Robinson 1847

Desc 2748

Lorraain, Voges, Epinal Epinal Cem. & Memorial
Plot A, Row 9, Gr 63
Patch Alexander McCarrell Patch 1920

D 18804


Halpaap Herbert Oskar Halpaap 1916

I-L 8447

Nicaraugua Managua

Butler Mary Butler 1910 Desc Desc Desc 1650


Ashwood Annie Ashwood 1897


Collier Peter Ferguson Collier 1893



Greene Robert Austin Greene 1921


At Sea

Burial Place Birth Surname Full Name Birth Year Our Campbells Luggs Blackwells Individual ID#
Ashes in Atlantic, near Deerfield Beach, FL Davis Charlene Ann Davis Davis Barto 1942 Desc Desc
Ashes in Atlantic, off NC coast Steele Michael B. Steele 1946

Desc 23108
Ashes in Gulf of Mexico Bass Edward Gene Bass 1956 Sp

Ashes in Gulf of Mexico Mitchell Robert Campbell Mitchell 1919 Desc Desc Desc 1705
Ashes in Gulf of Mexico Sloan Linda Sloan Bass 1956 Desc

Ashes in Pacific, near Humbolt Co., CA Borst Deborah Q. Borst Gaylord 1951 Desc Desc
Ashes at sea, Pacific near CA (or S.F. Bay) Dunham Bernard Nelson Dunham 1908 Desc

Ashes in Pacific, near San Louis Obisbo Co., CA Gaylord Christopher Gaylord 1946 Sp Sp
Ashes in Pacific Ocean Hazlett Mildred Allen Hazlett Downey 1888 Desc

Ashes in Pacific Ocean West Clayton Clifford West 1925 Desc


Copyright © 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 William B. Thompson. Commercial use prohibited.