Cook Reunions

[they were for our Hazlett Cousins, Descendants of Burton & Jennie Swan Cook]

The First Reunion - 1958

image of original, handwritten minutes

The first Cook Reunion was held at Dennison Park [Corning, NY] on Sun, July 13, 1958. Following a bountiful Picnic Lunch a meeting was held as follows:-

Mrs. Burton Rice Chairperson of Meeting

Nominations for Pres. - Burton Cook

vice Pres. - Donald Rice

SecTreas - Beulah Stewart

Place - Dennison Park

Sun & Date - 2nd Sunday in July

Collection for cards $6.10
[expenses] 23 Cards @ 2¢ .46     .69
1 Book  .23 $5.41 Bal
July 13-58 Paid out .69

Balance of Treasurer $5.41

Attendance 39 relatives

A Beautiful Sunny Day

All had an enjoyable day with a ball game being played by those present.

Beulah Stewart

Sec & Treas

25 cards @ 03¢ (75¢ for 1959)

Members Attending

Name Address
Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd E. Miles 347 Olin St. Painted Post, NY
Mr. & Mrs. Burton P. Cook RD#2, Addison, NY
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Cook
R.D.#!, Elkland, Pa.
Mrs. Roscoe Schlesinger Avis, Pa. Box 25
Mrs. Eugene Alexander
Mrs. Ida Church Addison, NY.
Mrs. Hattie Traver Avis, Pa. Box 25
Burton R. Rice Nelson, Pa.
Mr. & Mrs. George Davenport [living]
Mr. Robert W. Rice Nelson, Pa.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Rice R.D.#1, Middlebury Center, Pa.
Mrs. Amelia Cook Addison, NY
Mrs. Anita Bates Demise 347 Olive St., Painted Post, NY.
Mr & Mrs. Elwin Stewart living
James H. Rice R.D. #2, Bath, N.Y.
Mr. & Mrs. Vaughn Shepherd living
Donald R. Rice R.D. Box#31, Osceola, Pa.
Don R. Rice, Jr. living
Darrell Rice living
Robert Alexander living
Miss Kaye Ann Sweeney living
Misses Bonny, Cynthia & Joan Cook living
Mr. and Mrs. James Jacobus 835 Boyd Ave, Danville, Ky.
Alan & James, Jr. living