Cook Reunions

[they were for our Hazlett Cousins, Descendants of Burton & Jennie Swan Cook]

Second Cook Reunion

July 12, 1959, held at Dennison Park, Corning, N.Y. - A Beautiful Day

images of original,
                handwritten minutes images of original, handwritten minutes

Following an enjoyable picnic lunch a meeting was held as follows:

Minutes read & approved. Treas. report read.

B. Stewart made a motion that Burton Rice be Pres. 2nd by Mary Miles - not accepted.

Motion made by Sulley Cook, 2nd by Mary Miles that the Vice Pres. become President each year by acclamation - Donald Rice.

Nominations for Pres. - Burton Cook

Vice President - Sulley Cook - motion made by M. Miles. 2nd by Claribel Rice carried.

Sec & Treas. - Claribel Rice - motion made by B. Stewart - 2nd by T. Cook. Carried.

Bills: 25 cards @ 3¢ = $.75 Motion made by M. Miles. 2nd by C. Rice to pay.

History or the Cook Reunion to be written up and read at the 1960 Reunion.

Place - Dennison Park - voted by show of hands

Time - One P.M.

Sunday - 2nd in July, 1960

Mrs. Mary Miles made a motion that we buy a gift for one coming farthest, oldest, and youngest 50¢ to $1.00, also to place a book in the Elkland Library in Memory of Hattie Traver.

Celebrated the birthday of Beulah Rice age 70 years old on this day.

Balance brought forward $5.41
Less 1959 cards -.75

July 1959 Collection 6.37
Balance on hand $11.03

Deaths reported - Mrs. Hattie Traver.

Marriages - Dortha Kay Rice and George G. Davenport, June 20, '59

Members attending as follows:

Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Cook, Sandra & Ricky Elkland, Pa.
Anita Bates & Denise living?
Mr. & Mrs. Sulley Cook - Robert - Jean - Carol - Gwendolyn - Richard - Suzanne - Patricia - Donna Rae Bliss, N.Y.
Joe Haffman guest
Alfred Roll guest
Donald Rice
James and Norma Rice, Carol, Darrell, David, Kathie Rice
Roberta Rice
Susan Rice
Roger Rice
Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd E. Miles
Ida Church
Mrs. Beulah Rice
Mr. and Mrs. James Jacobus 835 Boyd Ave, Danville, Ky.
Alan Jacobus living
Jimmie Lloyd Jacobus living
Mr. & Mrs. Burton R. Rice
W. C. Boyce [Burton's father-in-law] guest
Robert Rice
Donnie Rice living
Mrs. Portus Cook
Mr. & Mrs. Burton Cook
Kaye Ann Cook living
Bonney Cook living
Cynthia Cook living
Joan Cook living
Mr & Mrs. Elwin Stewart, Gary Stewart living

Beulah Stewart, Sec'y & Treas