A News Clipping
From Phebe CAMPBELL Hoyt's Scrapbook,
Undated,. but 1899

A Pleasant Affair.

    Tuesday evening, September 12,  Miss Caroline Parks, daughter of Mrs. Mary Parks, of Tioga was united in marriage to Mr. Elmer B. Smith, brother of Mrs. H. M. Kemp of this place, and one of Tioga's most respected young men. The ceremony was performed at the home of the bride's mother and was attended only by the immediate relatives of the young people.
    The house was profusely decorated with flowers and potted plants. At 9 o'clock the wedding march was played by Mrs. E. D. Brigham and the couple were united in marriage under an arch of evergreens by Rev. Wm. C. McCormick, the Presbyterian clergyman.
    After the ceremony and congratulations a bounteous wedding feast was served. The young people are two of Tioga's most respected young people and the best wishes of a host of friends go with them on their voyage through life.

Transcribed by Phebe's great-grandson, Wm. Thompson, Apr. 26, 2012

Copyright 2012 by Wm. Thompson. Commercial use prohibited.

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