A News Clipping
From Phebe CAMPBELL Hoyt's Scrapbook,
Undated, Prob. Mar. 1899 from the Elkland Journal

Transcribed by her great-grandson, Wm. Thompson, Mar. 30, 2012

  Eliza Hazlett Merritt.

    Another of the pioneers of Nelson and vicinity has passed away. On the 19th of December we followed the remains of William Merritt to the grave. Just eleven weeks after, at the same hour of the day, we tenderly and lovingly laid the remains of his wife by his side.
    Eliza Hazlett Merritt was the daughter of John Hazlett and Jane Campbell Hazlett. Her parents were of Scotch descent and came from the North of Ireland. They were the parents of ten children. Three died young, five grew up to manhood and womanhood, married and brought up families. Three daughters are still living, the others have gone before. The living sisters are Mrs. Jane Knapp, of Nelson, Mrs. Mary Flint and Mrs. Maria Richardson, of Illinois.
    Eliza A. Hazlett was born March 20, 1825, and died March 4, 1899, at the age of seventy-three years, eleven months and four days. She was married to William Merritt, June 21, 1848. They were spared to each other fifty years, five months and twenty-six days. Mrs. Merritt was born and lived in Nelson all her life. Perhaps the typesetter left out a sentence about deceased children.] The others are all living, namely: C. F. Merritt, Mrs. Josephine Taft, Mrs. Delphine Shipman, and Mrs. Mary Hall. The son and daughters were untiring in their efforts to promote the comfort and welfare of their parents. Mrs. Merritt was a great sufferer for many years. She was a faithful wife, a kind and loving mother, a good neighbor and everyday Christian.She united with the Presbyterian church in Nelson, February 1st, 1845. Thirty-four others united with the church at the same time, ten of whom are now living. The meeting was held at her father's house, now the residence of Mrs. John Hazlett and her son, J. E. Hazlett. There were no church buildings in Nelson at that time. The pioneers of Nelson are passing away, only two or three are now left.
                                                                                    H. A.

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