A News Clipping
From Phebe CAMPBELL Hoyt's Scrapbook,
Undated, but after June 3 of 1902

Death of a Nelson Lady.

    The death of Mrs. Jane Knapp, widow of the late William Knapp, occurred at the home of her grandson, Charles Hewitt, at Wells, Pa., Jan. 21st of typhoid pneumonia, aged 76 years.
    The deceased was born in Nelson, Tioga county, Pa., and was the daughter of John and Jane (Campbell) Hazlett. She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. David Arudale of Lisbon, Illinois, and two step-daughters and three sons. She is also survived by one sister, Mrs. Maria Richardson, of Genoa, Illinois.
    Mrs. Knapp has always lived in Nelson, until about a year ago she left her old home to live with her grandson. She was a faithful member of the Presbyterian Church, the church her father was one of the builders. For nearly sixty-five years she had been a professed follower of Christ, always true to her church and her God; always to sacrifice for the up-building of God's kingdom. It is with saddened hearts we see these old pilgrims laid away, and feel that the work they have done and the prayers they have offered will never again be heard on earth, but we know by such consecrated lives there comes a reward, for Christ has said, "Be thou faithful over a few things and I will make thee ruler over many.
    The funeral was held at the Presbyterian Church in Nelson, conducted by Rev. Charles Weeks, assisted by Reverands [sic] Goodrich and Davis. The text was found in Mark 14, 8. A large company of friends followed to her last resting place and again we were called to say, "Another vacant place, another one in Heaven".                                    M.

Transcribed by Phebe's great-grandson, Wm. Thompson, Apr. 26, 2012

Copyright 2012 by Wm. Thompson. Commercial use prohibited.

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