A News Clipping
From Phebe CAMPBELL Hoyt's Scrapbook,
Undated, Prob. Sept. 1896

Transcribed by Phebe's great-grandson, Wm. Thompson, Apr. 14, 2012

Sad Death in Farmington.

    Myra, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Merritt of Farmington, died Monday morning, Sept. 7, of typhoid fever, aged about 20 years. The funeral services were held at the home in Farmington, Wednesday, September 9, at 12:30 o'clock, Rev. Mulford, of Tioga officiating.
    Three weeks previous, at the home and at the same hour on which her funeral was appointed, she was united in marriage to Mr. Wm. Close, of Farmington, by Rev. Mr. Chamberlain. This fact seemed to make the occasion a doubly sad one and the many friends who were present at the funeral obsequies extend very deep sympathies to the bereaved husband, father and mother.
[Note: Myra Merritt was a daughter of Joseph Harvey Merritt, aka Harvey Joseph Merritt, (not to be confused with "our" Harvey Grant Merritt). J. Harvey Merritt was a son of Hiram J. Merrit, who was a brother of the William Merritt who married Eliza Hazlett. Myra is in our tree because of William E. Close. William, by his subsequent marriage to Shirley A. Brown, was the father of Merritt Brown Close, who married Campbell Cousin Louise E. Rowley -- a daughter of Goldie Hazlett. Many of our readers have met Louise' daughters, Alice CLOSE Doan and Mary Ann CLOSE Timm.---wbt]

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