A News Clipping
From Phebe CAMPBELL Hoyt's Scrapbook,
Undated, but after June 4, 1898

    Mrs. Rebecca Lugg, died at her home in Nelson on Saturday, the 16th instant, aged 54 years. Mrs. Lugg had been an invalid for some time, but her death was a shock to her relatives and friends, who had supposed that she was improving. Acute Bright's disease was the immediate cause of her death. She leaves four children to mourn her loss---C. B. Lugg, Mrs. Alta [sic] Evans, Mrs. Oscar Cole, and Mrs. Jesse Howe; also a sister Mrs. Dolly Campbell, and one brother, Jerome Bottom, besides numerous relatives and friends. The funeral was held on Monday in the Presbyterian church, she having long been a member of that society. Rev. Mr. Armstrong preached an excellent sermon. Beautiful flowers---roses, carnations and similax covered the casket as they laid her remains beside those of her husband, who died five years ago. Friends were present from Bradford, Wellsboro, Elkland, Corning and Elmira.

Transcribed by Phebe's great-grandson, Wm. Thompson, Apr. 24, 2012

Copyright 2012 by Wm. Thompson. Commercial use prohibited.

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