News Clippings
From Phebe CAMPBELL Hoyt's Scrapbook,

1. Undated, but after June 4, 1898

Death of Robert Campbell.

    Robert Campbell, one of the oldest residents of this borough, died at his home on West Main street yesterday morning at about 5 o'clock, in the seventy-seventh year of his age. The cause of death was cancer of the stomach.
    Robert Campbell was the son of James Campbell, a pioneer of Nelson borough, formerly known as Beecher [sic] Island, and had resided there for more sixty years until his removal to Elkland, where he was residing at the time of his death. He was married to Miss Emma Selling of Reading, N. Y., about 1850, by whom he had three children who survive him, viz: Charles Campbell, now living in the west; Mrs. Eaton, living at Nelson, and Mrs. Baldwin, of Williamsport, who, with her husband were with him at the time of his death, Two of his brothers, E. B. and J. C. Campbell, live in Elkland, and his other brother, Joseph, living in Arizona, while his one sister, Mrs. D. C. Kemp of Farmington, survive. His first wife died in 1889 and he married Mrs. P. Crandall, a sister of his first wife, who survives him. 
    For more than forty years, Mr. Campbell had been a consistent and active member of the M. E. Church and when the final summons came it found him ready to obey and willing to depart. All his years he has an active, busy life and was well and favorably known in this and adjoining counties, where he will be missed but not forgotten.
    The funeral will be held at the house tomorrow (Friday) at 2 o'clock p. m., conducted by Rev. T. C. Easson, and burial at the Nelson cemetery.

2. Undated, but after June 17, 1898

    The funeral of Robert Campbell, who died in Elkland last Wednesday, was held here on Friday at 2 o'clock. Rev. Mr. Easson, of Elkland, officiated. Mr. Campbell leaves a wife, one son, and two daughters. He was a brother of E.B. and John C. Campbell, of Elkland.

Transcribed by Phebe's great-grandson, Wm. Thompson, Apr. 24, 2012

Copyright 2012 by Wm. Thompson. Commercial use prohibited.

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