Campbells of Nelson, PA

Aug 22 '18

The twenty-fifth1 annual gathering of the Campbell Reunion Society was held at Nelson - seventy-five registering.

All joined in singing the Campbell reunion song2

The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.

The following officers were elected
Pres. Clyde Campbell
Secy. - Rena Campbell
Treas. - Mark Seely

The following program Committee were appointed
Mrs. Edna Wright
Mrs. Helen Wilson
Mrs. E. C. Blackwell

Collection taken resulting in $5.55. The following expenses were met Postage and envelopes $2.40 Printing of invitations $1.75 plates 75¢ total $4.50 Leaving a balance of $1.05 & balance last year of 68¢ or $1.73 in Treas at date.

After the business meeting the following program was given Duet Mrs. Edna Wright and Mrs. Helen Wilson Talk by Prof. R. M. Steele   Song written by Chas. Congdon.3 Letters were read from Mrs. W. Beat of Canton. Chas. Congdon, The Hughey's of Brainerd Minn., Emma Buck and a telegram from Wm. Selph of New York. Mrs. Seely spoke of Our Soldier Boys. Parts of letters were read from Lieut. Lynn Wright, & Mr. Eugene Cook from Cal. Mrs. Nina Campbell Knuttel of Saginaw, Mich. who came East to attend the reunion spoke - also Mrs. Hazlett and Son of Buffalo

A letter from Chas. Congdon was read by Mrs. Chas. Mourie speaking of the burial pace of Mr. Mack Bosard a civil war vet father of Mrs. Mourie.

Motion made and carried to adjourn.

Mabel S. Shaw, Secy

1. The 1st Campbell Reunion was held in 1893, so this was the 26th.

2. Mabel wrote the words for that song.

3. Unfortunately we have no other information on that song.

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