Campbells of Nelson, PA

Aug 28 1919

The twenty-sixth annual gathering of the Campbell Reunion Society was held at Nelson. Dinner was served in the Odd Fellows Hall. Fifty-three registering.

Meeting was called to order by the President. All joined in singing the Campbell Reunion Song.1 C. H. Lugg of Knoxville offered prayer This was followed by two songs sung by Miss Helen Freer J. E. Hazlett gave the Address of Welcome which was responded to by William Selph of New York All were very glad to hear and see Mr. Selph as he and his family had not been present for the past 12 years. All expressed the wish that he would not wait as long before attending another reunion. Miss Freer sang two more songs in a very pleasing manner.

The following Business was then taken up.

The minutes of last meeting were read and approved.

The motion was made & carried that the same officers be retained for the coming year. The following committees were appointed for 1920
    Mrs. Lena Blackwell
    Mrs. Stella Wilbur
    Mrs. Mabel Shaw
    Mr. E. C. Blackwell
    Mr. J. E. Hazlett
    Mr. M. B. Seely
    Mrs. Charles Mourie, Mrs. Anna Miner, Mrs. E. C. Johnson, Mrs. Bert Kemp, Mrs. Edd Hall, Mrs. Alta Cady.

A collection for the following expenses were taken resulting in $7.50 The following bills were paid Post-cards and printing $2.90 Hall $2.00 Plates 35¢ Draying2 of Reunion Tables 50¢. Total $5.75 Leaving a balance of $1.75 & Bal. last year of 68¢ or $3.48

Letter was read from Mrs. L. Warren of Geneva Which was followed by several short talks by different members of the Campbell Clan.

Motion made and carried to adjourn.

Rena Campbell, Secy.

1. Mabel SHIPMAN Shaw wrote the words for that song.

2. A drayman had a freight wagon and team for hire to transport goods, The "moving vans" of that time.

Copyright © 2014 William B. Thompson. Commercial use prohibited.

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