Campbells of Nelson, PA

The twenty-eighth annual Re-union of the Campbell Family was held at Nelson Thurs. Aug 26, 1920. (It was proven to us by Laura Mourie at this meeting that the first one was held in 1892 instead of '93)1

The day was fine and sixty-five members assembled to greet each other and renew acquaintances Because of the convenience of tables and seats and dishes the dinner was held in the Grange Hall after which the Program was given in the I. O. O. F. Hall that we might have the use of Piano.

Pres. Clyde Campbell presided with E. C. Blackwell acting as Sec.

The Campbell Reunion Song2 was sung, followed by prayer by M. B. Seely.

Then all united in singing Auld Lang Syne. Then minutes of last meeting were read by Sec. and friends read letters from T. D. Baldwin, James Ellison, and Mrs. J. L. Buck.

Pres. appointed as Revision Commit. of mailing list J. E. Hazlett and E. C. Blackwell.

Officers elected were James M. Parks, Pres. and Mrs. Parks Sec. and Treas. Impromptu talks were given by several present. Mrs. E. S. Horton read a Poem "Solace" written by Maude Campbell Miner and Jessie Campbell Ellison twenty-five years ago for a similar occasion but not read at that time. As the writers are both no longer with us, their message was listened to with deepest interest.

Mrs. M. B. Seely recited some original verses she had written for the Re-union of six years ago but was unavoidably prevented from attending. The poem was much enjoyed.

The Sec. was instructed to write letters of sympathy to Mrs. Mary Beers and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Shipman because advanced age of the former and ill-health in the latter family prevented their being with us.

A Col. of $7.31 was taken and out of it $1.00 pd for I.O.O.F Hall $1 for Grange Hall and 50 cts. for use of dishes. Also $1 for woman to clean up the dining hall.

Reminisence [sic] Com. appointed were Mrs. Kate Horton and Laura Mourie.

Adjourned to meet 4th Thurs. in Aug. 1921 in Nelson.

1. All the records I have seen state 1893 was the first. Such as 1893 minutes, 1894 minutes, and 1894 invitation. I don't know why Laura BOSARD Mourey became convinced the first Campbell Reunion was in 1892.  -wbt.

2. Mabel SHIPMAN Shaw wrote the words for that song.

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