Campbells of Nelson, PA

Aug 21, 1924

The Thirty-second Annual gathering of the Campbell Clan was held at Nelson in the Odd Fellows Hall Thurs. Aug. 21, 1924. About sixty five members were present.

The meting was called to order by the President, Sam Seely. Minutes of 1923 were read and approved.

After a short business meeting, John Hazlett was elected President and Mrs. John Hazlett was Sec'y and Treas. for the coming year.

All joined in singing Campbell Reunion song1 after which some very interesting talks were given by Clyde Campbell, Ed Hazett, Myra Campbell, Frank Hazlett, Chas. Blackwell, M. B. Seely and Mr. Steele.

Letters were read from Wm. E. Selph, Harry Kemp and Mrs. Emma Buck.

Piano solo by Mrs. Jack Brown, song by Sarah Hazlett, readings by Mrs. Monroe, Duet by Mrs. Will Merritt and Mrs. Jack Brown were greatly enjoyed by all.

A collection for the expense was taken amounting to

Bills.--For use of hall

Mrs. Taft for cleaning hall

Amount due from last year

Expense in full

Leaving a balance of







Mrs. Sam Seely, Secy

1. Mabel Shipman Shaw wrote the words.

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