Campbells of Nelson, PA

Aug. 18, - 1927

The 35th annual reunion of the Beecher Island Campbell Clan was held in the I.O.O.F. Hall at Nelson, Pa. on the above date. About 80 members and friends were present. After a bountiful dinner served in the dining room of the hall the company adjourned to the upper hall where they were called to order by the President Harry C. Kemp of Lawrenceville.

The following program was given under the direction of Mrs. Fannie Monroe of Elmira Heights. Singing of America. Prayer Rev. Mabel Baker. Talk by the President Harry C. Kemp. Sec'y: improptu [sic] talks - J. E. Hazlett Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Pray of Williamsport, Mrs. Coral Butler of Thompson, Pa., C. H. Lugg of Knoxville, Pa., F. R. Hazlett Elmira, Mabel Shaw of Mansfield, Pa. and Clyde Campbell of Elkland, Pa. - Piano Solo Harry Eaton of Nelson. Solo by Edith Merritt of Nelson and the reunion song written by Mrs. Mabel Shaw was sung by the whole company.1

Mention was made of the fact that David C. Kemp 95 years of age was present.

The officers for next year were the old ones re-elected.
Pres. Harry C. Kemp
Secy & Treas - Mrs. Harry C. Kemp

The meeting closed by singing "Blest be the tie that binds." Greeting and best wishes were sent to E. C. Blackwell who could not be present on account of illness.

A number of letters of greeting from Cousins who could not be present were read by the secretary.

Sarah B. Kemp - Secy.

Treasurer's Report

Bal. on hand -



Cards and printing

Prnting song

Rent etc.


On hand Bal.









1. Mabel wrote the words. The tune was the Civil War song, "Marching Through Georgia."

Copyright © 2017 by William B. Thompson. Commercial use prohibited.

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