Campbells of Nelson, PA

The 38th Annual reunion of the Campbell Clan (Beechers Island) was held in the Odd Fellows hall at Nelson on Aug. 21, 1930.

After the usual good visit and bountiful dinner the meeting was called to order by the Vice President Clyde Campbell, as the President Roscoe Kemp could not be present. The Secretary, Crenna Kemp also being absent Harry C. Kemp was appointed secretary pro tem. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. There was a discussion about a change in the place of meeting, but it was voted to have the reunion held at Nelson.

The program was in charge of Mrs. Fannie Monroe.

Singing America the Beautiful
Mrs. Monroe spoke of the association and memories of Nelson.
Edward Monroe sang two solos.
Impromptu speeches by several members. M. B. Seely recalls former reunions. John Hotchkiss, a guest, spoke of the pleasure of attending the Campbell reunion. LLewellyn Shaw suggested having dinner some where in the woods. -Thomas Baldwin told of the people who were in Nelson when he came there. -Andrew Fisk spoke of visiting Nelson when a boy.

Mabel Shaw gave us several stunts to do, which caused much laughter. The collection amounted to $11.52

Mabel Shaw gave an interesting account of their thip abroad, and Stella Wilbur spoke of a Campbell family in London.1

Edward Monroe sang "Big Bass Viol." The reunion closed by singing "God be with you till we meet again."

The officers for the coming year were elected as follows were
President. Clyde Campbell.
Vice Pres. Harry Kemp.
Secy & Treas. Edward Monroe.

Harry C. Kemp
Secy pro tem

Treasurers Report
Bal. on hand.









E. J. Swan









Amount on hand 14 cents

1. No known connection to our Campbells.

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