Campbells of Nelson, PA

The 45th Reunion

The 45th Annual Reunion of Campbell Clan, met on Robert < a href="">Charles Lugg's lawn, Nelson,Pa.Aug.19,1937.

Minutes of the last meeting read by secretary.

Clyde Campbell was elected president.

Myra Campbell        "       secretary.

Rising vote of thanks to the Lugg family for allowing us to use their lawn.

Song "Come thou Almighty King" led by Seldon Butler.

Program in charge of Mabel Shipman Shaw.

Some notes on family history were given by the secretary. Then Mrs. Shaw called on some descendant of each of the original families of the Clan.

Blackwell family represented by Miss Rebecca Blackwell or Mrs. A. B. McLean.

Joseph Campbell line represented by Cousin Kate Horton.

Geography lesson by Mrs. Shaw -- "The City of Happiness is in the State of Mind."

John Hazlett family represented by Fannie Monroe.1

James Campbell family represented by Rose C. Jones.

Luggs represented by Leah Evans McCandless.

Sam Hazlett (brother-in-law of Jas. & Jos. )2 family represented by Mame Hazlett Dewey.

Voted to have secretary send notes of sympathy to bereved by loss of

Sam C. Hazlett
Alta Cady
Harry Campbell (His mother, Mrs. Wm. Campbell 1520 W. Water, Elmira, N.Y.)
Mary Seely
Isabelle Hoyt Fields

Remarks by different members of the Clan.

Collection taken and bills paid.

Bal. from 1936
Collection 1937
Expenses 1937
Cash bal.






200 postal cards
Printing the cards
100 paper napkins
72 paper plates (8 for 5¢)
Odd Fellows tables & chairs
Expenses of getting "  "  








Close with Reunion song.

Signed: Myra L. Campbell,Secretary

1. Strange, because Fannie was not a descendant of John Hazlett. She was a descendant of John's brother Sam, below.

2. As was his brother, John, above.

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