Campbells of Nelson, PA

The forty-sixth Annual reunion of the Campbell family, was held Thursday Aug. 18-1938 on the lawn of Robert Lugg at Nelson, Pa.

After dinner the meeting was called to order by the President Clyde Campbell of Elkland.

Minutes of the last meeting read and approved.

In view of the fact that so few were in attendance (about 25) the question of continuing or discontinuing the reunion was discussed.

Motion was made and carried that it be included in the invitation for the next reunion that those who desire to continue the reunion reply signifying this desire.

Letters were read from absent members - One from Mrs. Kate C. Horton and a telegram from Wm C. Campbell of Marinette.

Collection taken and bills paid.

Balance in Treas - Aug. 1937

Collection 1937



250 post cards

paper plates



Balance Aug. 1938










The following officers were elected for the coming year -
President. Clyde Campbell- Elkland.
Secretary &: Treas. Mrs. Mabel S. Shaw- Mansfield.

Signed: Myra L. Campbell Sec'y

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