Campbells of Nelson, PA

The forty-seventh Annual reunion of the descendants of Joseph and Ann Clinch Campbell and all the Beecher Island clan was held on the lawn of Robert Lugg at Nelson, Pa. Aug 17 - 1939 about fifty being present.

After dinner the meeting was called to order by the President Clyde Campbell.

The Sec'y, owing to an accident was unable to attend and Mrs. Helen Ireton acted as Sec'y.

The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.

In view of the fact that so few were in attendance (about 25) the question of continuing or discontinuing the reunion was discussed.

Many letters were read from absent cousins expressing their desire to continue the reunion and it was decided, by vote, to continue the reunion for three more years, which will complete fifty years of annual gatherings.

Mrs. Fannie Monroe - chairman of the Program Committee called upon the following who responded, making a very interesting program.

Mrs. Eva Hills gave a fine original paper recalling many interesting incidents of the early reunions etc.

Mrs. Fanny Monroe gave many fine poems and facts about the family.

All were glad to have Cousin Kate Horton read one of her splendid original poems and to be present at another reunion.

Those who spoke in regard to continuing the reunions were Waldo Lugg, Harry Kemp, Myra Campbell, Kate Horton, Minnie Clark, Emily Seely Blanchard & Eva Hills.

A vote of thanks was given to Robert Lugg for the use of his home, to the retiring officers,1 and to Fannie Monroe for a splendid program.

Those who have died during the year were Ida Eaton, James Eaton, Will Merritt, Sarah Johnson, Arthur Miner.

Balance in Treas. - 1938

Contribution from Chas. Lugg

Collection 1939


Bills -

Stamped Envelopes

Printing of Invitations

Moving tables & chairs


Balance Aug.17 - 1939










The following officers were elected for next year -
President. Clyde Campbell- Elkland.
Secretary &amp: Treas. Mrs. Mabel S. Shaw- Mansfield.

Helen Ireton Sec'y Pro Tem

1. This was strange because the officers were re-elected.

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