Campbells of Nelson, PA

Minutes of 1941 Reunion

Nelson Pa. Aug. 20 - '41

The forty-nineth annual reunion of the Campbell Clan was held on the beautiful lawn of Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lugg, at Nelson, Pa. August 20th 1941. There were thirty present. The day was perfect.

The President Clyde Campbell, called the business meeting to order and the minutes of the 1940 meeting were read and approved.

Letters, expressing regret at not being present were read from Mrs. Charles Lugg1 (enclosing $1.00) Mrs. Kate C. Horton - Jessie Owlett Leonard and Myra Campbell.

Miss Rena Campbell had charge of the program and called on Mrs. Robert Lugg, who responded with two selections (readings) which were greatly enjoyed.

Talks were given by George Brooks2 of Elmira - his son Robert Brooks - Waldo Lugg of Knoxville - Fannie Monroe - Harry Kemp - Mr. Brooks spoke of his recent visit at the home of Wm Campbell in Marinette Wisconsin.

It was suggested by Mrs. Fannie Monroe that we have a chicken dinner for the next reunion which will be the 50th and last. Mrs. Monroe will write a history of the last 50 years of the Clan -.

Those who have died in the past year are Wm E. Selph - Mrs. George Brooks - Eugene Cook - Will Campbell of Elmira & Rebecca Blackwell, Troy & Cora Lugg Johnson of Jamestown.

Edward Monroe led the singing of America.

Treasurers report.


Invitations (cards & printing)


Balance in Treas-Aug 20-41

Mabel Shipman Shaw-Secy-Treas

July 25 flowers for Clyde Campbell









1. I'm not sure at the moment which Mrs. Charles Lugg this refers to -wbt

2. George Brooks was: a) an uncle of Pearl PLACE Van Dusen; b) 1st cousin of Dollie BOTTOM Campbell; & c) 1st cousin of Rebecca BOTTOM Lugg.

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