Campbells of Nelson, PA

Minutes of the 2018 Campbell Cousins Reunion

The 2018 meeting of the Campbell Reunion Association of Nelson, PA was held at the United Church of Nelson in Nelson, PA on August 4, 2018.

Attendees: Marylyn Dewey Adams, Garret Bailey, Riley Bailey, Taylor Bailey, Eldon Bonniger, Sue Bonniger, Peter Loring Borst, Jane Chapman, Arlene Davis, Karen Davis, Mark Davis, Nancy DeHaas, Sally Fliess, Betsy Gorman, Lindsay Longwell, Kathy Mack, Fred Mack, Peg Maines, Tom Maxcy, Jacqueline Ott-Rogers, Joann Pray Ott, Betty Phillips, Douglas Phillips, Diane Pitts, David Smith, Debbie Smith, Deidre Smith, Bill Thompson, Mary Lilley-Thompson, Judy Thompson, Alexis Wimbrough, Lenore Rice Wimbrough.

Registration, conversation and sharing of memorabilia were followed by a delicious potluck lunch. Also, raffle tickets for two DNA kits were available for sale. The kits were donated by Campbell Cousin, George Gibson, to help raise funds for the reunion.

After lunch, the business meeting was called to order by Betsy Gorman. Diane Pitts volunteered to act as Secretary Pro Tem for the duration of the meeting. The raffle tickets were drawn – Judy Thompson and Eldon Bonniger were the winners!

Copies of the 2016 Reunion minutes were provided to attendees. Bill Thompson moved to accept the minutes, Betty Phillips seconded, and all approved.

Recognitions: Our oldest attendee was Elva “Peg” Owlett Maines, and the youngest was Riley Bailey. The attendee who traveled the furthest was Jacqueline Ott-Rogers, who came from Colorado. Certificates were presented to Peg Maines and Jane Chapman in honor of being Campbell Cousins for over 90 years!

Remembrances: Sanda Buck Garrett – she had helped with the Campbell Correspondence books; Arling “Art” Hazlett passed in June 2018 – his memorial service will be in Whitesville, NY on August 11th; Helen Owlett Hamblin passed on May 7, 2018. Elaine Dewey Badr passed in Feb. 2016.

Election of Officers: Diane Pitts moved that the current officers remain in their positions. Betty Phillips seconded, and all approved. The officers are Historian: Bill Thompson, President: Betsy Gorman, Vice President: Kathy Mack.

Proceeds from the raffle and donations totaled $135.00. Our balance forward was $111.74, and expenses for the reunion were $130.65 ($35 for the church custodian, $49.79 for printing, and $45.86 for paper products and supplies). This brings our current balance to $116.09.

The meeting adjourned at 1:45pm. After the meeting, all were invited to visit the Coates Heritage House in Elkland, PA which contains a wonderful collection of local history and memorabilia.

Copyright © 2020 by William B. Thompson. Commercial use prohibited.