[DRAFT to be approved at our Aug. 6th, 2022 meeting]

Minutes of the 2020 Campbell Reunion

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the 60th Campbell Reunion was held on August 1, 2020 via ZOOM. Attendees participated from their homes via the Internet and their computers or phones. This was the first time that we have held a virtual reunion, but it went relatively smoothly, and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves.

Attendees: Marylyn Dewey Adams (FL), Anne Alexander (PA), Linda Blacksmith (PA), David Buck (NY), Jane Chapman (PA), Peggy Chilson (KS), Sally Fliess (CT), George Gibson (NY), Betsy Gorman (NY), Jean Hazlett (VA), Walter Hazlett VA), Alan Jacobus (MI), Bonnie Kyofski (PA), John Morton (BC), Lori Nelson (TX), Betty Phillips (FL), Barbara Righter (WA), Bill Thompson (PA), Mary Lilley-Thompson (PA), Judy Thompson (GA), and Michael Whitehead (AZ).

The reunion commenced at 1:00 pm, conducted by Pres. Betsy Gorman, and everyone took turns introducing themselves, telling where they were from and how they are connected to the Campbells, Luggs and/or Blackwells. After introductions, Cousin Peggy Chilson sang a delightful rendition of the song, “As Time Goes By”, accompanied by her friend, Jeff Wilkins.

Appointment of Acting Secretary:
Since no one volunteered for the position, it was decided that minutes would be taken from the video recording of the reunion.

Bill Thompson gave us a presentation about four great ways we can connect with our family history via the Internet: our website, WikiTee, Facebook and YouTube.

We first looked at our website, It contains over 500 pages of documents, mini-biographies, photos, and so much more – including the four Campbell Cousins Correspondence books. The website has a search engine, so that one can look up documents associated with a name, place, etc. Marylyn mentioned that the website represents many years of work by Bill, which is very much appreciated. Bill stated that the information came from many people, and the main sources are listed on the site’s homepage. Also, he is always looking for volunteers to help index webpages, etc.

Bill then took us to the WikiTree site entry points:

where a great deal of information on our family tree reslides. This is a free website, maintained by hundreds of thousands of volunteers. Bill has been transferring our tree to this website from the old RootsWeb site, as RootsWeb has made changes to its platform that have made it less user-friendly and dependable.

Next, Bill showed us our Facebook Group Page ( In addition to reading posts and updates from group members on that page, we can access many photos and files of interest that have been uploaded (look for "the more menu item and "files"or "media"under that). And lastly, Bill took us to the new YouTube page (, where we can find uploaded videos, which will include a video of this reunion.

Approval of 2018 Meeting Minutes: Copies of the 2018 Reunion minutes had previously been emailed to attendees, and no one asked that they be read aloud. George Gibson moved to accept the minutes, Sally Fliess seconded, and all approved.

Recognitions: Though not officially mentioned, our oldest attendee was Jane Chapman, who has attended every reunion since they were restarted in 2000.

George W. Buck – George passed away almost two years ago at 95, and his son, David, said that George always remembered his Elmira roots.

Anne Pearson Lugg – Anne passed away earlier this year due to COVID. Bill mentioned how helpful and generous she was with sharing family history, and many others shared nice memories of Anne.

Larry Phillips – Betty let us know that her husband passed away just a few weeks ago from COVID. He had come down with it while in a nursing home.

Remarks: We had a lively and interesting discussion about how attendees were related, and we shared some family stories. Betty told about “Old Man Lugg” and his new car – the first gas-driven vehicle in Knoxville. After running it into her father’s store, Lugg ended up selling the car to her father. But the engine was gravity fed, so the car had to be driven backwards in order to get up the local hills! Also, Michael Whitehead, who attended from Arizona, was pleased to find many cousins from the PA/NY side of his family.

Election of Officers: Bill put together a potential slate. Bill offered to be President, and Betsy offered to be Secretary. Bill had a potential VP candidate, Lori Chilson Gagnon. Michael motioned to approve the slate, Betty seconded, and all approved. Bill also thanked George Gibson for being our unofficial IT tech person!

New Business: Michael asked who was still living in the Twin Tiers area, as he may come for a visit. Bonnie Kyofski mentioned that the Nelson Cemetery is worth a visit. It is currently in great shape, largely due to the efforts of Cousin Kay Chilson Miller.

The business meeting was adjourned at 2:30pm.

Entertainment: Peggy Chilson sang three more songs for us, which was a really nice treat. Thank you, Peggy!

Cousins Conversations: The meeting continued on informally for another 30-40 minutes, and the ZOOM meeting ended at 3:30pm.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Betsy Gorman, Secretary

Family Tree Branches of 2020 Reunion Attendees


Branch of Family tree Attendees
Joseph Campbell-Sarah-Archibald Hazlett Walt & Jean Hazlett, Sally Fliess, Marylyn Dewey Adams
Joseph Campbell-Jane-Eliza (Hazlett) Merritt Linda Blacksmith
Joseph Campbell-Jane-Rachel (Hazlett) Cook Alan Jacobus
Joseph Campbell-Joseph-Mary Ann (Campbell) Seely Lori Nelson
Joseph Campbell-Joseph-Eleanor (Campbell) Bosard Lori Nelson
Joseph Campbell-Joseph-Phebe (Campbell) Hoyt George Gibson, Bill & Mary Thompson, Judy Thompson
Joseph Campbell-Joseph-Jane (Campbell) Tubbs Linda Blacksmith
Joseph Campbell-Joseph-Joseph D. David Buck
Joseph Campbell-James-Robert Campbell-Joseph-John H. Jane Chapman, Barbara Righter
Joseph Campbell-James-Robert Campbell Betty Phillips
Joseph Campbell-James-Harriet (Campbell) Parks Kemp Peggy Chilson, Betsy Gorman


Branch of Family tree Attendees
Robert Lugg-Sarah-Ann Clinch-Mary Ann (Campbell) Seely Lori Nelson
Robert Lugg-Sarah-Ann Clinch-Eleanor (Campbell) Bosard Lori Nelson
Robert Lugg-Sarah-Ann Clinch-Phebe(Campbell) Hoyt George Gibson, Bill & Mary Thompson, Judy Thompson
Robert Lugg-Sarah-Ann Clinch-Jane (Campbell) Tubbs Linda Blacksmith
Robert Lugg-Sarah-Ann Clinch-Jos. D. Campbell David Buck
Robert Lugg-Sarah-Ann Clinch-John H. Campbell Jane Chapman, Barbara Righter
Robert Lugg-Sarah-Mary Blackwell-Robert Campbell Betty Phillips
Robert Lugg-Sarah-Mary Blackwell-Harriet Campbell) Parks Kemp Peggy Chilson, Betsy Gorman


Branch of Family tree Attendees
Gentleman John Blackwell-Enoch-Wm. P.-John M. Ann Alexander
Gentleman John Blackwell-Enoch-Mary-Robert Campbell Betty Phillips
Gentleman John Blackwell-Enoch-Mary-Harriet (Campbell) Parks Kemp Peggy Chilson, Betsy Gorman
Gentleman John Blackwell-Sarah-Sarah (Barnfield) Gardener John Morton