6422 South Pine St.
So. Tacoma, Washington,
June 8, 1923.

Dear Cousin Will:-

I want to congratulate you on the success you have made in starting the "Campbell Cousins Correspondence".I will wait anxiously for the combined report.

Would very much like to attend the Cousins Re-union this year,but doubt very much if I can.It is a long,long,way.

Attached is my first letter for the "Campbell Cousins Correspondence!" I trust it will reach you in time for your report. We are very busy in the Railway shops; I have to catch what time I can to do my writing.

Would very much like to attend the Cousins Re-union this year,but doubt very much if I can.It is a long,long,way.

I am always pleased to know of the success you have made of your life. It shows what energy and brains will to do to the young man who has the will power and push.

With love and my best wishes to you and yours,

Sincerely your Cousin,


- Report No. 1 - Page 13 -

(Sarah Campbell Family)

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