565 West Grey St.
Elmira, N.Y.,
  June 14, 1923.

Dear Cousins:

It has been so many years since I have attended a "Cousin Party" that I am pleased to find myself still numbered in the Campbell Cousins.

I surely appreciate the effort made by Cousin Will Selph in organizing this "Clearing House" and realize that he will need the hearty co‑operation of every one if it is to be a success. I am glad, aside from the pleasure which I shall derive from it, that my daughters will have an opportunity of becoming better acquainted with their father’s people.

We received the literature from our secretary via Nelson, which proves how little we really know of each other, as we have not been living there for about five years. Since the marriage of Jessica and Elizabeth, I have been with Isabelle who is teaching in Elmira.

Jessica is living in Binghamton and has (you will pardon a grandmother nearing her dotage) three as interesting children as you will often find, two boys and a little brown eyed girl which makes her distinctive in an otherwise blue eyed family. The other day, Anne Betty was very busily cutting out little papers and putting them in a box when her mother asked her what she was doing; she said, "Cutting out thousand legged worms for Gram. Hoyt ‘cause she sends me so many nice things."

Elizabeth whose husband is a station agent for the D.L.& W. is living at North Brookfield, N. Y.; she has only one child, Joseph Hoyt Walker, who is now six years of age. As Betty’s dream of being a farmer’s wife did not materialize, she is trying to unite farming and the railroad business by

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keeping a thoroughbred Jersey cow and two hundred and fifty Leghorn pullets, to say nothing of the hound pup.

Isabelle is teaching Physical Education in the grammar school of Elmira. Last year she studied at Cornell Summer School of Physical Education and is leaving the last of June for Cambridge where she will enter the Harvard Summer School of P.E.

Since we have been in Elmira, I have had charge of the Hosiery Department in the S. F. Iszard Co. Department Store but owing to my mother’s ill health, have given up the work so that I may spend more time with my parents at their new home1 in Osceola.

We are closing our apartment for the Summer, part of which I hope to spend with the girls at their respective homes.

Anxiously awaiting the "Campbell Cousins Correspondence" letter, I am

Very truly yours,

1. Built for them by Frances' brother-in-law, Lee Tubbs, across the street from his and Frances' sister's home. - wbt

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(Phoebe Campbell Family)

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