Nelson, Pa.,
  June 15, 1923.

Dear Cousins and Sister:-

"What can’t be cured must be endured". This is quite a proposition to try to talk to an audience that is so scattered as this "dear family" of Cousins is. Anyway, this is a grand thought and deed of Cousin Will to try to come closer to each other and I hope it will be a success in every way. One regret is we did not have this started while more of us were here to enjoy these letters, but we will have much pleasure with those that are left of us.

At present, I am keeping house for Cousin Stella while she is in Elmira. I hope when she comes home she will have new feet and eyes, as hers are nearly worn out. Most of us know that small as her family is, she takes a great many steps in a day. Charlie Loop [Stella's uncle] once said, "Stella, your heart is bigger than your body". Well said, I think.

My family is all as well as usual. Our eldest daughter (Faye) and her family, which is her husband and two sons; and our two youngest sons [Burton & Thomas Mac Owlett], are in Orleans Co., New York State. The rest of the children are near Nelson. I hope to keep the name of Owlett good. We have only one grandson by that name; he was born March 8th, 1923; his name is Harold Andrew Owlett. He is a son of Carlton and Faye Leonard Owlett.

Many of you Cousins will remember "Joe Howe" or Joseph B. Howe,‑ a great friend to the Campbell family and to every one else. He has been in poor health for a long time; at last he died of dropsy [Congestive Heart Failure], and was laid to rest in the Nelson Cemetery, today,‑ June 14, 1923. Had he lived until next August 19th, he would have been eighty‑three years of age. He was in the Civil War, same Company as my father, "Uncle Mac"; he was with Pa when he fell from his horse; helped him to get back on the horse, and took him to the hospital where my father lived only three days.

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(Eleanor Campbell Family)

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The days are gliding swiftly by and it won’t be long before we expect to have another Cousins Dinner, (chicken, I suppose); wish every one of the first Cousins might be present this year; we would try to make L.B. Shaw [that year's host] wish he never had seen a camel (Campbell); but then he would have some answer for us.

Now I hope each one of you will testify a few words; do your bit; if we cannot see your face we can have your signature,‑ that is something. I have made mistakes in this letter and in life but hope you will overlook them.

I think this Circle is going to be just fine and after the first report, it will not be such a task to write again.

With love for everyone, I will say good‑night.


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(Eleanor Campbell Family)

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