Elmira, N. Y.,
  June 18, 1923.

Dear Cousins:-

Really I do not want to be classed among the slackers but feel I have little to write that will be of interest to you.

Undoubtably, you all know I have been alone this past winter [her husband, Adelbert Campbell died Oct. 1922], doing my work at the office with my son, William, as he is continuing in the insurance business.

June 9th, Harry [Carrie's opera singer son, John Harry Campbell] and Catherine [formerly CHAMBERS], with their two children, Catharine and Jane, sailed for Fontainbleau, France, to be there during the summer months. Harry is studying at the Conservatoire Americain. They will take up their abode in Paris for the winter.

Hoping this letter finds you all well, as it leaves me the same at the present time. With love to you all, I am, as ever,

Your Cousin,


- Report No. 1 - Page 38 -

John H. Campbell Family)

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