Elmira Heights, N.Y.,
October 7, 1923.

Dear Cousins:-

     I really do not know what to write about. Our family is small and with Mama and Eva both writing we will no doubt write about the same things.

     I am very proud to be included in this Correspondence even if I am not a good letter writer.

     My family consists of my husband, John Hazlett, Sr., Anne Taylor Hazlett, six and one half years old and John Hazlett, Jr. nearly four years old. Anne is in first grade and seems inclined toward music, while Jack Junior's mind goes to playing base ball [sic] and flying kites.

     Perhaps some of the Cousins would care to hear about my "In-Laws". Aunt Nan and Uncle Will Pepper live on the next street to us. Uncle Will Pepper is carpenter at the Eclipse Machine Company. Aunt Nan is not very well. Their oldest granddaughter, Virginia, is staying with them and going here to school. Aunt Fannie Monroe and Donald live in their home on Oakwood Avenue. As you all know Uncle Will Monroe died about a year and a half ago. Aunt Fannie is Tax Collector and Donald works at the Eclipse Machine Company. Edward is married and lives in Elmira.

     Uncle Ed Hazlett is on the old farm1 at Nelson. I do not think he could be induced to leave it, and we are all glad as it is a mighty nice place to go. He bought a pony, saddle and cart this spring so you can imagine the children like to go to the farm.

1. The property Sam Hazlett purchased in 1810-wbt

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(Maria Campbell Family)

Foto of Jack Hazlett Sr. & Jr.

* * * * *

Photo of

John Hazlett, Sr.

John Hazlett, Jr.

Taken Summer of 1923

* * * * *

    Mother and Dad live about two blocks from us. Dad is still in the grocery business, Jack, Sr. helping him. Dad is very well and works every day. Lucy, the younger daughter, is a freshman in Syracuse University, while Margaret and her husband, Carl Kresge, are living with Mother and Dad. They have the dearest blue?eyed daughter, Jean Louise, nearly five months old. Mother also has Dorothy, six years old, (Blaine's daughter) with her. Blaine's wife died about four weeks after Uncle Will Monroe. Clinton, their oldest son, is married and lives in Detroit.

     This is rather a long letter after all but my husband's family is somewhat larger than mine.

     I am enclosing pictures of Jack, Sr. and Jack, Jr. I really did not have one of Anne I'd care to send but will have one next time sure.

     Trusting this will do for this time, I am

Sincerely yours,


- Report No. 2 - Page 17 -

(Maria Campbell Family)

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