Nelson, Pa.,
October 8, 1923.

Dear Cousins:

The time has again come to write a letter to all the Cousins in the Joseph Campbell Family. What a task it would be if it were not for our good secretary, Wm E. Selph, Astor House Building, 217 Broadway, New York.
    Everything with us is moving on about the same as usual. It has been a busy summer with the children and grandchildren home and the many pleasant drives we have taken over good roads and through beautiful scenery and meeting dear friends.
     Emily and Charles have two fine boys,‑ Charles, Jr. and Marcus S.; no time to be lonesome or have the blues when they are here.
    We met a good many of the Cousins at the Cousins' Dinner at Llewellyn and Mabel Shaw's, and spent a very pleasant day. Was very glad to see Lee Congdon's wife, it being her first trip to this part of the country.
    As we have so recently seen and visited with a good many of the Cousins, I guess there is no particular word to send to them, only, that we are looking eagerly forward to their next letter in the Cousins Correspondence Book.
        With kind regards to all the Cousins, I am

                            Yours truly,

        COUSIN M. B. SEELY.

Foto if Mark Seely Family
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Photo of

M. B. Seely
Sue Seely
Lena Seely [Note the omission of her married name, 'Goodrich'-wbt]

Taken Summer 1923

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- Report No. 2 - Page 15 -

(Mary Ann Campbell Family)

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