Foto of Will & Minnie Clark
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                Photo of

William H. Clark - Born Feb. 14, 1864
Minnie Tubbs Clark - Born Oct. 20, 1864.

            Taken Summer of 1923

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Osceola, Pa.,
October 11, 1923.

Dear Cousins:-

     The time has come to write another letter to the fifty Cousins on our list. I will endeavor to do as good as I can but cannot write like some of the Cousins.
     We are very well and are improving the time housecleaning and roofing the house,‑ getting ready for winter.
     It has been very cold here for fall weather and very dry and dusty.
     I went down to Nelson to the Re‑union. I try and go each year. Ma thought so much of going I will keep it up as long as I can.
     I also went to Mansfield to the Cousins' Dinner. We had a delightful time ‑ nice weather,‑ fine roads and a fine dinner. We all voted Mabel and Llewellyn Shaw a vote of thanks for their fine hospitality. There is a nice piece in the paper about the Dinner which I will enclose. I hope we can all go to Charlie Congdon's next year. It would be a fine trip by auto.
    I very much enjoyed Cousin Will Selph and family when they visited us last summer.
    I suppose nearly all of the letters and pictures have arrived; -­what a fine time we will have reading the letters from the fifty Cousins.
    I went up to see sister Ann yesterday. She is feeling fairly well.
    Will is working nearly every day at carpenter work.
    Alta called a few minutes today on his way up the valley; he is working now and feels better. Jennie is coming up to spend a few days with Ann and me.
     Well, I cannot think of very much more so I guess I will say good‑night to you all.
     With love to all of the Cousins,
                                COUSIN MINNIE TUBBS CLARK

- Report No. 2 - Page 33 -

(Jane Campbell Family)

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