26 Sarona Avenue,
Rochester, N. Y.,
October 10, 1923.

Dear Cousins:

Cousin Will Selph, we want to express our thanks and appreciation for that beautiful book. It is one you may well be proud of,-­ "Originating Editor". We are very, very, grateful for our copy.
     Cousins,‑ I feel as if I were broadcasting over the radio. How we would love to see all the "listeners in"! Next to seeing is correspondence,‑ a lost art with many of us.
     I think most of the Cousins in Pennsylvania have seen my husband and our family. Our oldest boy is Robert Campbell Mitchell, born July 13, 1919; the second a boy, is Vernon Parker Mitchell, born October 28, 1920,‑ he was named for an uncle on his father's side of the family. We have lived in Rochester (the real flower city) ever since we were married September 25, 1916.
     My husband is electric motion‑picture machine operator at Fay's Theater here. He is business manager for the operators employed in every theater in this city.
     We live about three miles from the center of the city but we keep an automobile which we both drive so while enjoying the quiet of a farm, we have the city conveniences which include a radio. Every one of us enjoy that,‑ the children like the good music and bedtime stories. We often hear from Texas but cannot get Florida, even with our Campbell and Shewman families there. How we miss them!
     Cousins, as this is our last message this year, we want to wish you all a Merry, Merry Christmas and a most Happy and Prosperous New Year.

                                With love to all,

                                            COUSIN RUTH CAMPBELL MITCHELL

Foto of Merritt Michell Family
                         * * * * *

                        Photo of

                    (Left to Right)

        Ruth Campbell Mitchell
        Vernon Parker Mitchell
        Robert Campbell Mitchell
        Merritt Merwin Mitchell

                Taken Summer 1923.

                    * * * * *

- Report No. 2 - Page 34 -

(William Campbell Family)

Copyright 2000, 2001, 2012 Tom Zurflieh and Wm. Thompson. Commercial use prohibited.

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