54 Garfield Avenue,
Madison, N. J.,
October 10, 1923.

Dear Campbell Cousins:

     For my debut in this Correspondence Club, representing as I do the second edition, that is, the second generation of this illustrious cycle of alleged descendants of the Duke of Argyle, styled by our enterprising secretary the "Campbell Cousins", timidity seems to inhibit all news sense, if indeed such an equipment ever occupied this upper story. True, the setting for a real effusion is superb‑but that is where we seem to stop. Perhaps the brain cells need a dish of bran.

     Here I am on the afternoon train between Boston and New York, speeding along the Sound. During a short period in October of each year I think this is one of the most beautiful train trips to be had anywhere in America. True there is no particular grandeur of scenery such as may be enjoyed in sections of the West, but more gorgeous coloring I have never seen. Old Dame Nature operating on the varied New England foliage at this period of the year always produces a riot of color that no brush can reproduce, and no matter how worldly ones thoughts or ways, he is here reminded that the Infinite is always the Master Hand.

     We have just reached New Haven and are told the Giants win the first championship game four to three. Rather stale news this will be when it reaches its destination. A discussion as to who invented Thanksgiving would perhaps be more opportune at that time.

     Most correspondents in this group in their initial appearance seem fittingly to have unburdened themselves of a few family statistics. Well my family is large. You think I mean large in number but what I really mean is that Anna, my wife, weighs one hundred and seventy‑five pounds (although she is trying to reduce by eating only what the children and sometimes the dog won't eat in addition to her usual three meals a day). In point of number, we are a quartet. Donald is now thirteen and Gordon Campbell ten, both in Public Schools of Madison, New Jersey, where we have lived for over a year. We lived two years in Boston, or in a suburb of Boston, Wellesley Hills, having moved there from Chicago in 1920. Now that is our family history and it's simple, isn't it?

     Our modes of life are equally simple. We eat in the kitchen mostly, spend more time with the flowers and other things about the place than we do in thought or participation in

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(Sarah Campbell Family)


social activities, and wash the old bus once a year if we happen to get the time. This reference to our mode of life is not an attempt to be facetious but rather an effort to illustrate our philosophy that slavish devotion to all of the modern conventions does not always appeal to us as the most wholesome use of our time.

    This summer we greatly enjoyed mother's visit. The snapshot furnished for the Cousins' album was taken on Labor Day just before we started to take mother to the train to return to her home at Watkins. Uncle C.H. Congdon had happened along for the week end. Just recently Helen Congdon, Lee Congdon's wife, paid us a brief but much appreciated visit. She gave us first hand news of the Cousins' Dinner. We wanted to attend that Cousins' Dinner and really had planned to, but Gordon had to play sick the week before and we thought best to give up the trip.

     For this initial appearance in the pages of a most well conceived and ably conducted Correspondence Club, may I bespeak your considerate indulgence. Forgive if you will the sins of omission and by all means forget the atrocities of commission, being assured always that your letters which we have carefully read have been the source of keen interest, pleasure and satisfaction.

                 -                     Yours most cordially

                                            COUSIN GEO. L. BUCK

Foto of Geo. L. Buck Family* * * * *

Photo of

Back Row

C.H.Congdon - (Left)
Anna K. Buck - (Center)
Geo. L. Buck - (Right)

Front Row

Donald S. Buck - (Left)
Gordon C. Buck - (Center)
Emma C. Buck - (Right)

Taken September, 1923

* * * * *

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(Sarah Campbell Family)

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