Asaph, Pa.,
October 18, 1923.

Dear Cousins:-

     Having looked forward to this letter (not with delight) for a matter of six weeks or two months, and having, from time to tire received gentle hints, or, better yet, very carefully worded duns from Cousin Will; ­"who by the way has been very patient", I think it about time I made some kind of an attempt to use up some of the paper he has sent me.

     I was raking leaves this afternoon and it made me think that perhaps, I might be shoveling snow from the same place before many weeks have gone. I can't make it seem possible our summer is over.

     In regard to my work, ‑ I am agent and operator for the New York Central rail road Company at Ansonia, Pa., ‑ two miles from where we live at Asaph. I drive back and forth in summer, and walk in winter. Just at present, traffic on the Railroad is rather heavy and we are unusually busy. The greater part of traffic on this Division is Bituminous Coal from the Pittsburgh District.

    Ansonia is located eleven miles from Wellsboro on Pine Creek and at this time of the year the mountains here are wonderful. Only wish you people could be here and enjoy them with us. Hunting and fishing is of the best,- bear, deer, partridge, squirrels and rabbits in abundance. Trout (Brook and German Brown), bass and pickerel. Don't it make your mouth water and your blood tingle?

    I personally am looking forward and making plans for November 1st, when the hunting season will be open. Perhaps I may be disappointed; for two years now I have made the same plans, and found it impossible to fulfill them on account of shortage of help on the Railroad, but am living in hopes this year.

     My Mother and also Mother Seely live alone in Osceola. We get over to see them about once a week during the summer. Only wish we could all be together, but habits of a life time are hard to break, and our Mothers seem to think there is only one town in the U.S.

     We have been unable to get the photos for the reason that we are seldom in Osceola in the daytime when it is possible to take pictures and as we want the three of us on one picture, will have to send them later. Am very sorry I couldn't get them in for this half.

                      -                     Sinceerely,

                                                    COUSIN MAHLON F. CRANDALL

(For photo - See page 18) - (Taken by the Secretary at Osceola, this summer)

- Report No. 2 - Page 55 -

(Mary Ann Campbell Family)

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