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Photo [to be added ASAP] of

William Boller

Inez Hoyt Boller

Taken, October, 1923

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Rose Lawn Farm,

Nelson, Pa.,

October 5, 1923.

Dear Cousins:-

As October 15th is near at hand when our letters are due, I am hurrying this morning to get mine ready to mail.

Seeing so many of the Cousins on September 26th at Mansfield [PA-wbt] was a great pleasure. The day was "A Perfect Day" as far as the weather man was concerned and in every other way. Mabel and Llewellyn used us in a very Cousinly fashion. I know all appreciated and enjoyed their lovely home and hospitality. Those who were unable to be there were unfortunate.

How nice that Cousins Ed Congdon's family was represented, his son's wife Helen, coming all those miles and reaching Elmira that morning when she was met by Emma Buck and Frances Hoyt, Emma having spent the night with Frances,- the three of them going on to Mansfield.

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(Phoebe Campbell Family)



Seems to me we should be getting ready now for our next meeting at Charlie Congdon's home in East Stroudsburg in 1924. We can all go if only we get busy. My husband, William, offered to take our truck and take the whole tribe and could easily do so, except he might ask you to chip in on gas; aside from that, transportation is free. [In her June 11, 1923 CCC letter, Inez mentions her husband having a truck made by the Reo Company. I've seen pictures of his truck, circa 1920. It appears to be the same truck I saw on visits to his farm in the 1940s. It was a flat bed with stake sides. He used it for his milk route, picking up milk cans at dairy farms near Nelson and taking them to a creamery in Elkland. It boggles my mind to think of 10 to 20 "Cousins", who were then in their 60s and 70s, riding all day sitting in the back, on the floor bed or chairs sliding around --- exposed to sun, wind, and if had bad luck, rain. -wbt]

It is so cold here today I am thinking of making a coal fire, although the autumn has been very nice and the trees gorgeous in their new fall clothes and very beautiful.

I hope to go to Elmira this month as my birthday is October 12th- Elizabeth's October 17th and Joseph, Elizabeth's little son, is October 31st We met there last year on Elizabeth's birthday and had a sort of family birthday party and jollification.

Jessie and family were home in August. The little folks enjoyed the farm and were very busy all the time; her eldest is a kindergarten young man this year, but expects to come next summer and help in haying. Elizabeth has not been here for nearly a year. Isabelle comes a little more frequently as she is nearer and can do so.

I am looking forward anxiously for the letters and photos. I fully realize the work this makes Cousin Will Selph and wish I might help do something.

With kindest love to you all,


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(Phoebe Campbell Family)

Copyright 2000, 2001, 2012 Tom Zurflieh and Wm. Thompson. Commercial use prohibited.