Knoxville, Pa.,

October 14, 1923.

Dear Cousins:-

This being my first letter, perhaps it is best that I tell you who I am and a little about myself.I am the oldest of the family of Anna Bosard Owlett; am living at Knoxville, Tioga County, Pa., where I have been for the past sixteen years; for the past nine years have been in the Dry Goods Store of A.W. Lugg & Co. Seven years ago last March I was married to Marie Perry, a Knoxville girl, but she was called home on November 17, 1919.

Three years ago this coming winter I spent four months in the beautiful city of St. Petersburg, Florida, with Cousin T.C. Campbell and wife. It was a most glorious winter, - and there was only one day during the whole time that the sun did not shine, - and that, if I remember rightly, they said was the first day without sunshine in three years.

When I was home this summer for a few days Mother said to me "I have something I want you to read,- I think it is just fine and you can have one if you will get busy and earn it b writing a few letters."

Well, now, I read that first letter (or report) of the Campbell Cousins and I did enjoy it, I tell you. Though there are a few of the Cousins I have never seen I have heard Mother speak of them often, so I guess I should feel as though I knew them all anyway.

I was sorry that I could not get to Mansfield [PA] to the Cousins' Dinner this fall but my position will not let me go just every time I would like to. I do not have a car and the train service is not very good, consequently I have to stay home a great many times when I would like to go.

I did see Lish Horton at the Westfield Fair at a Ball Game. He was down on the front seat yelling just as loud as any of us.

Well, dear Cousins, I guess this will have to answer for this time;- perhaps I can write a more interesting letter next time.

Hoping to hear from you all in the near future, I am

Yours very truly,

* * * * *

Photo [to be added ASAP] of

Ford D. Owlett

Taken, October, 1923

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- Report No. 2 - Page 63 -

(Eleanor Campbell Family)

Copyright © 2000, 2001, 2012 Tom Zurflieh and Wm. Thompson. Commercial use prohibited.