Oscela, Pa.,

March 31, 1924

Dear Cousins:

The time has now arrived for another exchange of letters and I have been twice reminded by Cousin Will to hurry along with mine.

The intervening months have been uneventful but busy ones. I have hauled my own milk, done chores and cut wood the rest of the time. Am now waiting for good weather to begin farming. The spring of the year is the busiest time of all for farmers.

Father comes up real often and helps buzz wood1 and do other small jobs. He seems just as much a farmer as ever2.

Our children are all at home with the exception of Dora and we are expecting her home [from Mansfield Normal School-wbt] Easter Vacation.

We greatly enjoyed the last report, especially the photos and are anxiously awaiting the next.

We will always be glad to see any of the Cousins whenever they are in Osceola.

I do not think of anything more of interest so will close.

Sincerely yours.


1. A buzz saw is a large circular saw. In this case it was probably a tractor attachment used by Sam and his father to cut firewood.

2. Jud had retired from farming and moved into Osceola. According to my parents, at the turn of the century, Osceola had such a high percentage of retired farmers that kids called it "Feeble Town".

- Volume #2 - Page #12 -
(Mary Ann Campbell Family)

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