Nelson, Pa.,

April 4, 1924

Dear Cousins and Sisters:

Cousin Will Selph has urged me "to be on time" with this letter, but I have had in mind this thought, -- I would celebrate the fourth of April by writing a letter; -- it being my birthday, also our wedding anniversary. I am sixty-four years old, and have been married forty-one years today.

The weather is fine, but the roads are very bad, -- snow, water and mud1. We have had but little snow compared to other winters; none but little flurries until the tenth or twelfth of February.

We, as farmers, are quite busy at present, making maple sugar and syrup. Wish some of you were here "right now", -- you might have all the warm sugar and Jackwax2 you could get away with.

I am glad so many of our younger Cousins are coming in line, and I hope each letter may bring new ones to the front. We knew nothing of most of our Western people, as well as some nearer by; we want to be a real old-fashioned united family and these letters seem to be the only gateway.

I wish to say, I live on the "Marks Farm," -- a part of Uncle William Campbell's farm, and will be glad to see any of you at any time. How about it Willie Campbell, Jr. and William, 3rd.

We are sorry to know some of our second Cousins have been called home such as "Little John" Hazlett3, Hattie Campbell and Emma Parks. We are all passing along;-- we cannot say who will be next.

I am glad Cousin Will was so fortunate in securing officers4; glad to meet you. We will all try to help you as best we can.

My prayer is that we may all be spared and be able to come to the desk and join in the net issue of this letter writing.

With much love,


1. Few roads were paved back then - wbt.

2.When boiling down the maple syrup further to make maple sugar, you could take a spoonful of the liquid and pour it onto the snow. It would instantly chill into a waxy, sweet substance that could be chewed. But if allowed to thaw, it would become watery again - wbt.

3. In addition to being a second cousin of Anna et al., John was also a brother-in-law of Cousin Jud Seely - wbt.

4. Officers of the Campbell Cousins Correspondence Club - wbt.

- Volume #2 - Page #44 -
(Eleanor Campbell Family)

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